The software at this stage consists of software for the Maritime Cloud Identity Registry and the Maritime Cloud Service Registry. Both software components are made available as open source, however under different licenses.
Here are all the presentations from our EfficienSea2 mid-term conference: Gettting connected to the future - speakers and keynote speakers, EfficienSea2 partners and external experts.
The program for the EfficienSea2 mid-term conference: Getting connected to the future is out. Take a look, invite and share! Further detailing of the program is ongoing, this is the updated version.
This report describes how service providers should specify their services in order to integrate with the Maritime Cloud. The template supports the service architects in creating a description of the services in accordance with the guidelines.
This report describes the key concepts, data flows and components forming the Maritime Cloud. It is the point of reference for all subsequent more technical tasks targeted at both technical and non-technical audiences. The conceptual model aims to be an executive summary facilitating a common understanding of the Maritime Cloud, not only among the project partners but also between the project and possible future stakeholders.