
Are you looking for presentations, reports, promotion material or related content about EfficienSea2 and our developed solutions? Here it is.

Deliverable 1.4 Report on relevant ongoing external projects Download
Presentations from the EfficienSea2 mid-term conference: Getting connected to the future (PDF)
Here are all the presentations from our EfficienSea2 mid-term conference: Gettting connected to the future - speakers and keynote speakers, EfficienSea2 partners and external experts.
Program for the EfficienSea2 Conference: Getting connected to the future
The program for the EfficienSea2 mid-term conference: Getting connected to the future is out. Take a look, invite and share! Further detailing of the program is ongoing, this is the updated version.
Report on relevant ongoing external projects and testbeds (438 KB) (PDF)
This report maps projects, testbeds and organisations of relevance to EfficienSea2. The report is part of the overall aim of ensuring liaison and coordination with other relevant projects, testbeds and policies.


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